Common Data Formats for Election Data

Data Practice at Hilton Roscoe LLC

This page provides an up to date set of resources for those interested in learning more about Common Data Formats for Election Data.


Articles and summaries

White papers and tooling

This section provides links to explanatory white papers and tooling supporting the development, validation and use of common data formats. Some tooling was created for specific common data formats, and in that case, appears under its heading.

Election Results Reporting

Cast Vote Records

Voter Records Interchange

JSON Specific

XML Specific

Mailing List

Hilton Roscoe hosts a mailing list for those interested in implementing the Common Data Formats. Topics include:

  • Implementation guidance
  • Tooling for validation and conformance
  • Testing and certification concerns
  • Handling large CDF datafiles
  • Transformation between XML and JSON
  • Working with XML and JSON Schemas

Please visit this page or send an email to to subscribe.

Thanks to Democracy Fund for supporting much of this work. Contact John Dziurlaj with questions or comments.